
This package wraps Quizlet API.

In order to use this module you should register your application on you profile’s settings page and initialize :class:QuizletClient instance with your client_id.

import quizlet
client = quizlet.QuizletClient(client_id='my_client_id', login='me')

Or you can use Oauth 2.0 access token. This way will gives additional opportunities depending on token’s scope:

import quizlet
client = quizlet.QuizletClient(token='bla bla bla', login='me')


Argument login is required to make user-related requests (for instance to retrieve user’s Set s).

Once the client is initialized, you can use its api attribute to make http requests. It’s some sort of a low level of making requests.

client.api.search.sets.get(params={'q': 'Python'})

Here is a simpler analog:


Here are some examples of this module is capable of:

# Get client's sets
for set in client.sets:

# Create a new set (if you have permissions to do it)
s = client.sets.create(title='My first set from python',
                       terms=['Hello'], lang_terms='en',
                       definitions=['Bonjour'], lang_definitions='fr')

# Delete the set

# Search for classes:
for cls in client.classes.search(query='Python', max_items=30):
    # Do something

# Join a class


If some argument is invalid or you are not authorized to perform particular action a QuizletError will be raised. Don’t worry, they usually contain a good explanation of what’s going wrong.